Emma is depressed and miserable. She misses London and the fun of being a
girl chess champion there. When she goes online to find herself someone to play
chess with, she signs herself depressed@drumshee
To her surprise she gets an email back from a boy in Australia who says:
‘"Drumshee! My great-great-grandfather came from a place called
Emma’s father is a computer programmer so when Bruce’s father, a bank
official, is accused of a theft involving the transfer of bank funds by computer
Emma turns to her father for help.
Cora Harrison writes:
This book is another one of my favourites. It is about three things that I
The first was my dog, Mara, who was a great character and a very beloved
friend of all the family. In the book I call her Heidi, but otherwise it’s a
complete picture of my dog. She was quite a difficult dog when she was young,
but once I started teaching her how to track and going tracking with her in
Ashdown forest this absorbed all of her energies.
The second is chess which I have played since I was ten years old and always
enjoyed immensely. When I was younger I played competition chess and was, a long
time ago, the women’s university chess champion in Ireland. In recent years I
got even more pleasure out of teaching children chess and in the year before I
retired my school’s chess team supplied a quarter of the British Under-Eleven
team and a third of the British Under-Nine Team.
The third is computers. I don’t know too much about them, but I find them
endlessly intriguing. My son is a computer technician so he helped me with bits
of this book and explained all the technical bits to me.
Another reason for liking this book is that it brings together many of the
characters from the earlier books: Emma at Drumshee is the descendent of Deirdre
from the Famine Secret; Bruce in Australia is the descendent of her
younger brother Daniel in the same book, and the farm was sold to Emma’s
father after James, from World War II, died.
Click here to read the first chapter of the book
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Secret of
1798 (book 4)